Cults, Orders & New Religions

Plague-carriers of Malphastos

Paladins of Valarian

Priests of the One True Light

The Grand Inquisition

Torga (Orc goddess of War)

The Watchers of Alrothna

Ministers of Lelana

Changelings of Lokin

Necromancers of Medraut

Seers of Alrothna Order of Foster the wise
The Elder Eleven Gods

All of the following gods, demigods, devils, and otherworldly powers are entirely optional and may be used at the GMs discretion.

Plague-carriers of Malphastos

Paladins of Valarian

                       1 - 2          Leather Armor
                       3 - 5          Cuir-bouilli Lamellar
                       6 - 7          Studded Leather
                       8 - 9          Cuir-bouilli Studded
                       10             Chain Mail

Priests of the One True Light

The Grand Inquisition

War-shamans of Torga

·        BELIEFS: Orcs, some ogres, and the larger humanoid creatures believe in Torga.  She is a cruel and bloodthirsty goddess of war and destruction.  Her followers and war-shamans believe that the strong survive, and only the strongest should rule.  Very popular amongst the various tribes and clans of orcs, most large groupings of orcs will have at least one war-shaman.  War-shamans will generally study the physical arkana of magic in order to further aid their warriors and followers.  The Church of Torga has taken a bloody scalp as their holy symbol.  Very rarely is this a stylized picture based symbol; most often the scalp is fresh from their latest victim.  War-shamans wear red and yellow colored robes and clothing.

·        SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Lore: Tactics & strategy, 3 combat skills, and one skill of choice.

o       War-shamans have the ability to cast Ignore Injury as per the first power mental spell of the same name.   However, the priestly ability allows the priest to affect up to two individuals per level.  This ability can only be used once per day.

·        EQUIPMENT:  War-shamans will begin the game with a fresh holy symbol tied to an oaken staff, a set of robes or other clothing, and any weapon the character has skill with.

The Watchers of Alrothna

·        BELIEFS:  The watchers are a group of ministers dedicated to Alrothna.  The watchers believe that first hand observation is the key to knowledge. They do not simply rely on ancient tomes and stories told for generations. They send some of their members out to observe the important people and events that unfold around them. Other sets of watchers remain to experience and record their travels. Many watchers sent out become lowly servants or guards, all in the cause of the truth. They keep this portion of their work secretive, telling no one of their travels and studies.  Stories tell that the watchers know all, see all, and can predict the future.

While they have great knowledge, the stories are exaggerated. This is never told to the paying customers however. Anyone may ask the watchers one question for a price.  They will answer it to the best of their knowledge. If the question is a one with a simple answer such as a location, a name, or a reason they will be quick and to the point. Questions that require knowledge of the future they will answer as they believe, but will shroud in mystery and riddles. Anything in between is up to the watcher granting the session.  Every postulant arriving to have a question answered will be required to provide a significant service. This will depend wildly on the talents, resources, and motives of the guest. Such services could include a large monetary gift, a quest for something the sect requires, service in their fields, magical aid, or even a promise of future deeds. Rarely will the service exceed a period of one year per question however. 

The watchers believe that it is not their place to change the nature of man, or to change the course of history.  That is for those to come to them seeking knowledge. In this believe most watchers will not take a sentient life, gain monetary or secular power, nor influence others unduly. This is left to those whom they observe.  The watcher's holy symbol is an eye with a Hannaran rune for Selan as the pupil.  The rune is most commonly red, with the background in blue. All of the watchers have this tattooed on their scalp when they join. While they are traveling all are expected to re-grow hair or wear headdress.


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© 2000 J.K. Wykowski & T. Coonrod